That evening I was going to a Christmas Party night with a group of friends and thought it was the ideal opportunity to spoil myself as well as ticking another thing off my list!
There was a variety of treatments you could choose from, and the offer I chose included three treatments. I decided to opt for a hair "up do", party lashes and party make-up.
My appointment was for 3pm and I went feeling ever so slightly nervous. For three reasons really.
1. I had NEVER had a "up do" done at the hairdressers.
2. I had never had eye lash extensions done
3. I don't wear much make-up usually and was wondering whether I would end up looking like a "Boots" girl!
So my first port of call was the eyelashes! Yikes! I explained I had never had them before and that I was concerned about looking like a spider! She said in that case she would put the medium length ones on me rather than the long and then they wouldn't be too obvious! I felt quite happy with this and she showed me the little clumps of lashes and explained to me how she would fix each individual little set to make a full set! I put my life (well my eyes) in her hands and tried to relax on the table. I had to keep my eyes open but look down as she applied them. As I wear contact lenses it doesn't bother me people poking around or being near my eyes and she did say that a lot of people flinch and move when they see a hand coming towards them and she wishes everyone lay as still and relaxed as me! It took about 20 minutes to complete and then it was time for the mirror ...
I nervously peered at myself and my first initial reaction was "OMG", I did look like a spider had attacked me. At this point I asked how long they lasted. She explained that everyone was different some people lose them within 24 hours whilst other people can keep on on for a week or so. I gulped and hoped to be within the 24 hours category!
I was then taken to get my hair done. I explained roughly what I wanted and sat whilst she worked miracles. The longer I sat in front of the mirror the more I got used to my "spider eyes" - I looked so different it was strange!
Hair done - time for make up! I pleaded with her not to "plaster" me up, I couldn't cope with that as well as the eyes! She promised me a light look and I sat with trepidation as she transformed me. I began to understand how they feel on make-over programmes like 10 years younger!!
Hey-ho I was soon set to go! I must admit once I had the rest of the make-up on, the eyes didn't look quite as spidery!
so I went from this ...

to this ...
I felt very "done up" but it was nice to go out feeling different!
Next morning I woke up and nearly died when I looked in the mirror! Without make-up on the eye lashes just looked ridiculous! I was pleased to see when I washed my face a couple of stray lashes plopping into the water!
Later that day we took the dog for a walk, up a fell and it was very windy! By the time I got home all my lashes had been blown away and I was back to the normal plain Jane little me!
Will I do it again? I'm not too sure! I'm not convinced the look was really me - perhaps if I could find some shorter less obvious ones I would! Never say never!