Wednesday, 18 January 2012

First Product Review!!! Number 42 on my list!

The book I have been asked to review!
Last week I was contacted by Human Kinetics and asked if I would read and review a book on my Get Fit Get Active blog, so being game for anything I agreed.  I have never done any reviewing before so not sure how I will go about this! I struggled with the first element of this new venture - downloading the e-book, however, after several failed attempts I succeeded! 

Once I have read and inwardly digested some of the advice AND put it into practise during my training I will keep you informed of my thoughts...

Wish me luck!

Saturday, 14 January 2012

Why a Bucket List?

I have always been quite goal driven, but more so in the last few years.  Once I set my mind on a challenge I am usually determined to complete the task to the very best of my ability.  I have set myself quite a few fitness goals in the last year, and blogged about them on my other blog : so I thought I would extend this idea to other areas of my life to help me achieve my dreams.
My bucket list is a mixture of travel, fitness, extreme experiences and other personal goals which may seem insane to some readers (and my family), but now I have written them down, a lot more achievable to me! Some of the challenges will be fairly easy to accomplish such as giving blood, some will require me to save my pennies up such as going on the Orient Express, some will require specific training and determination, such as running a marathon whilst others such as white water rafting will be a challenge of nerve!
Now I have a plan for the next 5 years  -  writing what I would like to achieve gives me a focus and it will be thrilling to be able to tick them off one by one celebrating each achievement individually! 
Please leave comments, I'd love to hear from anyone who has completed any of these harebrained ideas!!!
I will try and keep this blog up-to-date so you can see how I am getting on...